Futaba BPS-1 RPM Sensor

CHF 38.00 zuzüglich Versand

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BPS-1 RPM Sensor


- For use with the Futaba GY701, CGY750 and GY760 gyros
- Provides accurate RPM readings and better performance with plug-in simplicity
  • Futaba BPS-1 RPM sensor eliminates the fan mounted magnets and mounting stays typically used for governors and puts the sensor into the back plate of the engine.
  • This provides accurate RPM readings without the hassle. Designed for use with the Futaba GY701 and the CGY750 on the O.S. 55HZ-R and 91HZ-R / 105HZ-R engines with the built-in sensor mount.
  • The newer style back plate is also available from O.S. for older 55 and 91 engines.